Saturday, December 8, 2007

Automating Backing up SharePoint Front End Web Server

In my previous blog post, titled Comprehensive SharePoint Disaster/Recovery I outline the details on what needs to be backed up in a SharePoint environment. Although the post provides all the details, I was starting to wonder if there was a way to automate backing up at least the Web Server. After a bit of tinkering, I was able to successfully backup all the data on my SharePoint Web Server. It backs up a bit more data than it needs to, but this is a full proof method that can be used in your environments. All you really need to do to the code is change the output directory and make sure the default directories are accurate.

Warning: This was a quick script that I tested in two virtual environments. If you experience problems, e-mail me and I'll do my best to respond quickly. Also, there is no error trapping in here....:/. You will have to implement that on your own.

Here is a the sample VBS script:

Option Explicit
' Backs up SharePoint 2007 Front End Web Servers
' Written by: Pirooz Javan
' Create Date: 08/13/2007
' Last Updated Date: 12/05/2007
' Description:
' This script is used for to help automate the process of
' backups for your SharePoint 2007 Front End Web Servers. To run this script
' there are serveral dependencies:
' - iisback.vbs
'Set the default SharePoint installation path
Dim sharePointInstallationPath
sharePointInstallationPath = "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions"

'Set the path to iisback.vbs system file
Dim iisBackupTool
iisBackupTool = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisback.vbs"

'Set the path to default IIS log folder
Dim iisDefaultLogsPath
iisDefaultLogsPath = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles"

'Set the path to the backup output
Dim outputPath
outputPath = "C:\SharePointBackups"

'IIS Configuration file backup names
Dim iisConfigurationBackupFile
iisConfigurationBackupFile = "IISConfigurationBackup"

'Set Path to IIS configuration backup foloder
Dim metaBackPath
metaBackPath ="C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\MetaBack"

'Set Path to GAC Assemblies foloder
Dim gacAssembliesPath
gacAssembliesPath ="C:\WINDOWS\assembly"

'Set string that will detect a SharePoint application in IIS HttpCustomHeaders
Dim strDetectSharePointApp
strDetectSharePointApp = "MicrosoftSharePointTeamServices"
Dim objShell 'Shell Object
Dim objFSO 'File System Object
Dim objXmlDoc 'XML Object
Dim objNodeList 'XML Object
Dim xNode 'XML Object
Dim objNet 'Network Object

Set objShell = CreateObject("")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objXmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")

Call BuildDirectory(outputPath)
WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 Seconds

'Call BackupSystemState("SystemState")

Call BackupGACAssemblies("GACAssemblies")

Call BackupIISConfiguration("IISConfiguration")

' In order to run these, BackupIISConfiguration must be executed first
' so that the XML will be loaded
Call BackupDefaultLogPath("DefaultLogs")
WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 Seconds

Call BackupDefaultSharePointFiles("SharePointFiles")
WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 Seconds

Call BackupIISLogs("IISFiles")
WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 Seconds

Call BackupIISWebs("IISFiles")
WScript.Sleep(2000) 'Wait 2 Seconds

Call BackupSharePointWebs("SharePointWebs")


Sub BackupSystemState(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up System State..."
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder

'Backups up system state and overwites the file
objShell.Run "ntbackup backup systemstate /J " & chr(34) & "Backup Job" & chr(34) & " /F " & outputPath & "\" & folder & "\SystemStateBackup.bkf /a", 0, True
End Sub

Sub BackupGACAssemblies(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up GAC Assemblies..."
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder

'Backups up GAC assemblies
objShell.Run "xcopy " & gacAssembliesPath & " " & outputPath & "\" & folder & " /e", 0, True
End Sub

Sub BackupIISConfiguration(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up IIS Configuration..."
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder

'Backups up IIS metabase configuration file (Metabase.xml) and the matching metabase schema file (MBSchema.xml)
objShell.Run "Cscript.exe " & iisBackupTool & " /backup /b " & iisConfigurationBackupFile & " /overwrite", 0, True

WScript.Sleep(3000) 'Wait 3 seconds for IIS to finish backing up
objFSO.CopyFolder metabackPath, outputPath & "\" & folder
End Sub

Sub BackupDefaultLogPath(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up Default log folder at " & iisDefaultLogsPath
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder

'Backups up the default log folder
objFSO.CopyFolder iisDefaultLogsPath, outputPath & "\" & folder, True
End Sub

Sub BackupDefaultSharePointFiles(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up Default SharePoint folder at " & sharePointInstallationPath
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder

'Backups up the default SharePoint folder
objFSO.CopyFolder sharePointInstallationPath, outputPath & "\" & folder, True
End Sub

Sub BackupIISLogs(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up IIS Log files..."
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder
Set objNodeList = objXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IIsWebServer")

WScript.Echo objNodeList.length
If objNodeList.length > 0 Then
For each xNode In objNodeList
If len(xNode.getAttribute("LogFileDirectory"))>"0" Then
'Does not backup logs in default log path.
If InStr(xNode.getAttribute("LogFileDirectory"), iisDefaultLogsPath) = "0" Then
CopyFolder xNode.getAttribute("Location"), xNode.getAttribute("LogFileDirectory"), outputPath & "\" & folder, "_Logs"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub BackupIISWebs(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up IIS Web files..."
BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder
Set objNodeList = objXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IIsWebVirtualDir")

If objNodeList.length > 0 Then
For Each xNode In objNodeList
If InStr(xNode.getAttribute("Path"), sharePointInstallationPath) = "0" Then
CopyFolder xNode.getAttribute("Location"), xNode.getAttribute("Path"), outputPath & "\" & folder, "_Web"
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub BackupSharePointWebs(folder)
WScript.Echo "Backing up SharePoint with STSADM..."

BuildDirectory outputPath & "\" & folder
Set objNodeList = objXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IIsWebVirtualDir")
Dim url
Dim command

If objNodeList.length > 0 Then
For Each xNode In objNodeList
If InStr(xNode.getAttribute("HttpCustomHeaders"), strDetectSharePointApp) <> "0" Then
url = getSharePointURLfromAppID(getIISApplicationID(xNode.getAttribute("Location")))
command = chr(34) & sharePointInstallationPath & "\12\BIN\STSADM.EXE" & chr(34) & " -o backup"
command = command & " -url http://" & url
command = command & " -filename " & outputPath & "\" & folder & "\" & Replace(Replace(url,".", "_"),":","_") & ".dat"
command = command & " -overwrite"
WScript.Echo "Running: " & command
objShell.Run command, 0, True
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub CopyFolder(LocationID, SourcePath, DestinationPath, appendString)
WScript.Echo "got here for locationid " & LocationID
'Build IIS application folder
BuildDirectory DestinationPath & "\" & getIISApplicationID(LocationID)

'Build directory to backup to
Dim backupDirectory
backupDirectory = Mid(SourcePath, 4, Len(SourcePath)) 'Removes Drive Letter
backupDirectory = Replace(backupDirectory, "\", "_")
backupDirectory = backupDirectory & appendString

'Build path to backup To
Dim BackupPath
BackupPath = DestinationPath & "\" & getIISApplicationID(LocationID) & "\" & backupDirectory

If (Right(SourcePath, "1") = "\") Then
SourcePath = Left(SourcePath, Len(SourcePath)-1)
End if
WScript.Echo "Copying " & SourcePath & " to " & BackupPath
objFSO.CopyFolder SourcePath, BackupPath, True
End Sub

Sub BuildDirectory(path)
If (objFSO.FolderExists(path) = False) Then
End If
End Sub

' Finds the latest MDX file
Function getLatestIISBackupFile()
Dim m_iisMetaFolder, m_File
Set m_iisMetaFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(metaBackPath)
Dim path
Dim latestFileDate
latestFileDate = CDate("01/01/01")

For Each m_File In m_iisMetaFolder.Files
If InStr(m_File.Name, iisConfigurationBackupFile & ".MD") Then
If (m_file.DateLastModified > latestFileDate) Then
latestFileDate = m_file.DateLastModified
path = m_file.Path
End If
End If
getLatestIISBackupFile = path
End Function

Function getIISApplicationID(Location)
Location = Replace(Location, "/LM/W3SVC/", "")
If InStr(Location, "/") > "0" Then
Location = Left(Location, InStr(Location, "/")-1)
End If
getIISApplicationID = Location
End Function

Function getSharePointURLfromAppID(AppID)
Set objNodeList = objXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IIsWebServer")
'Assuming Server Binding Format of: ::
Dim Port
Dim HostName
Dim firstColon, secondColon

If objNodeList.length > 0 Then
For Each xNode In objNodeList
If InStr(xNode.getAttribute("Location"), AppID) <> "0" Then
firstColon = InStr(xNode.getAttribute("ServerBindings"), ":")
secondColon = InStr(firstColon+1, xNode.getAttribute("ServerBindings"), ":")

If InStr(xNode.getAttribute("SecureBindings"), "443") <> "0" Then
Port = "443"
Port = Mid(xNode.getAttribute("ServerBindings"), firstColon+1, secondColon-firstColon-1)
End If
HostName = Right(xNode.getAttribute("ServerBindings"), Len(xNode.getAttribute("ServerBindings"))-secondColon)
If (Len(HostName) = "0") Then
HostName = objNet.ComputerName
End if
End If
getSharePointURLfromAppID = HostName & ":" & Port
End If
End Function

'Disposing objects
Set objNet = Nothing
Set objNodeList = Nothing
Set objXmlDoc = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comprehensive SharePoint 2007 Disaster/Recovery

High availability is a requirement and is usually at the top of the priority level for most real-world production environments. Luckily, for SharePoint there are a lot of options on how to configure your farm in order to load balance, cluster and provide the appropriate level of fault tolerance, given your budget, resources and timeline. Overall, there's been a lot of good material on the Web and in books that describe various approaches to backing up SharePoint environments. Joel Oleson has one of the better blog posts that give you all the information for what needs to be backed up and the tools that are available in SharePoint Backup Restore, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery. Most of the information available will give you the basic overview and provide a high level strategy on how to backup your SharePoint Farm. The reason most articles provide strategy vs. detail is because each environment can vary significantly and therefore, would alter the specifics of your Disaster/Recovery (D/R) plan. Factors that may influence the process are:

  • 3rd Party Backup Software such as and
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA)
  • Server configuration (cluster vs. stand alone)
  • Quantity of data to backup
  • Server processing power and disk speed
  • Intern-connectivity speed between servers including source and target locations for data backups
  • Disk to Disk or Disk to Tape approach

The purpose of this article is to provide the details for how to fully backup a SharePoint environment. Because I am not using any 3rd party tools which include nice features such as incremental or full backups, the process will backup everything on a nightly basis. As a result, this approach is not the cleanest or fastest one out there and may fall outside the boundaries of your product environment SLAs. Alternatively, you may choose to use this approach for development or staging environments if you wish to cut down on backup software licensing costs. This document focuses ONLY on backing up SharePoint related data and not server related data. The goal is to backup SharePoint and Restore SharePoint, not the entire server. As a result, data such as event logs and the C drive is not included. Apply the contents of this article with your standard D/R plan for Windows 2003 servers to achieve full D/R plan for the server.

Note: There will be overlap, so adjust as necessary. For example, this article will backup all SharePoint sites using STSADM causing a backup of content and configuration databases. If you plan on using SQL Maintenance Plans to backup databases, this is where the overlap will occur. I prefer to have this type of overlap as it provides multiple options during the restore process.

Because SharePoint environments are broken into the following basic categories:

  • SharePoint databases
  • Search Indexes
  • Web Front End Servers
  • Windows SharePoint Services Sites
  • Personal Sites

To back everything up, I will break out the information into the following three sections: Web Front End, Index and Database.

Web Front End

Web Front End servers contain all of the files that are used to call and render content to the user. Information is either pulled from local cached data (index data), Index server and content or configuration databases. Because of that, the web front end does not typically contain much data to backup. Whether or not you are doing custom development, it is still good practice to back up the entire SharePoint installation folders which will contain the out of box files along with custom templates, site definitions, list definitions, and custom ASPX files among other things.

To backup a Web Front End server, you can make your life a lot easier by working with a series of Batch files that can help automate the process. These batch files are important, because they contain the command line options that can be scheduled on your server during the most appropriate times for your maintenance period. Because the batch files are dependent on specific executables, the paths used in these examples are based on default installations. You may need to change those to reflect your specific installation. Additionally, it is recommended to place your batch files in a single folder for simplified management. For example, you can create a folder C:\SharePointBackups\ConfigurationItems (assuming your C drive has adequate disk space).

Nevertheless, the following data needs to be backed up on your SharePoint Front End Web Server:



System State

To backup the system state, you can create a BAT file that is scheduled to run with the following command:

ntbackup backup systemstate /J "Backup Job" /F "C:\ SharePointBackups \backup.bkf"

GAC Assemblies

When doing custom development and deploying fully trusted web parts, DLLs will be installed in the GAC. It is safe practice to just backup all of the GAC assemblies folder located at:


IIS Sites

Backup all of the home directories for all of the IIS sites

IIS Logs

Backup all of the log directories for all of the IIS sites

Also include backing up:


Note: The default location for SharePoint Usage logs are located at: C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\STS\ and will be included in this backup. If you change the default location for this path, then that directory must also be included in your backup plan.

Other Windows SharePoint Services logs (Optional): STSAdm.log and OWSTimer.log from the C:\Documents and Settings\ Windows_SharePoint_Services_Administrator_Account \Local Settings\Temp directory.

IIS Configuration

To backup IIS configuration, you must backup the IIS metabase configuration file (Metabase.xml) and the matching metabase schema file (MBSchema.xml). Microsoft provides a VBS file to simplify the process. Execute the following manually or in a BAT file to schedule:

Cscript.exe iisback.vbs /s <YourServerName> /u Administrator /p <YourAdminPassword> /backup /b IISBackupUp /overwrite

SharePoint Resource Files

Backup all files located at:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions

SharePoint Webs

To backup SharePoint applications, you can use STSADM. Create a bat file using STSADM to backup each SharePoint Web application in your farm. Every step listed on this table is required on each Front end Web Server with the exception of this one.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\STSADM.EXE -o backup -url <SiteURL> -filename <FileName.dat> -overwrite


Index servers propagate index data to the query servers (typically your Front End Web Servers), but you can't recover from there if you have system failure, drive, sector or file corruption. There are two ways to backup your index server: STSADM and Central Admin.



Index Server

To backup SharePoint index, you can use STSADM. Create a bat file using STSADM to backup the SharePoint Index application in your farm.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\STSADM.EXE -o backup -url <SiteURL> -filename <FileName.dat> -overwrite


This section will provide the basics for backing up SQL Databases in SQL Server 2005. There is no difference in backing up SharePoint databases that would cause you to make any changes to your standard SQL Server D/R Plan. The truth is that there are a lot of options that can and should be exercised when maintaining a high availability SQL Server installation. This article won't go into that level of detail, but will provide the basic information I like to see when backing up SQL databases.

Creating a Maintenance Plan in SQL Server makes your life a whole lot easier. There is a wizard that will walk you through the steps for backing up all of your databases. The important things to keep in mind are:

  1. Select an output directory that has adequate storage and will not run out of disk space without some type of alerting. This drive can be a local drive configured to store backup data. I typically like to keep at least 2 full backups on this drive and keep older backups on my backup store
  2. Put the SharePoint backup in a job that backups up databases are set to Full Recovery Mode. I prefer to separate databases in Full Recovery Mode vs. Simple just to keep a separation of the different models.
  3. Create a maintenance plan for integrity and index rebuilding. This would not be done on a daily basis, but would need to comply with your SLA.
  4. Setup some kind of alerting through SQL Database mail and/or notification services in case there are issues with your maintenance plan
  5. Choose a maintenance job schedule that does not overlap with other processes. Make sure they are set to kick off one after another and they are coordinated with your backup plan. This is very important because you do not want your SQL job executing its maintenance job while your backup software is trying to backup at the same time
Example SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Schedule



Time Frame

Backup – System Database Job

Backs up system databases

2200 hrs (daily)

Backup – Simple User Database Job

Backs up user databases set to simple recovery model

2300 hrs (daily)

Backup – Full User Database Job

Backs up user databases set to full recovery model

0000 hrs (daily)

External backup to disk/tape

Backups all of the first three operations

0300 hrs (daily)

Check Database Integrity

Runs DBCC CHECKDB on all user databases

0700 hrs (weekly on every Sunday)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Print out STS Site Taxonomy

Yes, that does say STS...ugghhhh. I was asked by a customer to get a list of all of the sites in their SharePoint Team Services 1.0 environment. I quickly ran into a wall finding any kind of documentation, API or even attempting to comb through the database. Since STS stores all of its files on the filesystem, I decided to traverse the file system and see if I could determine if a folder was a site folder. After some trial and error I think I pretty much determined the conditions. So then I resorted to good ole VBS to get me the data. So here is a VBS script that you can use to traverse your STS structure and print out which folders are sites.

Option Explicit
' Traverses STS Structure and finds all Sites and determines if site is stale
' Written by: Pirooz Javan
' Create Date: 08/21/2007
' Description:
' This script looks for files in a source directory that are meet a
' specified criteria that permits them to be moved to a destination
' directory. The existing criteria is that the file must be older
' than 30 days from the current data and the file's data created
' attribute
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const SourceFolder = "root"

Dim StaleDate
Dim SearchString

StaleDate = "2006"
SearchString = "title id=onetidTitle>Home"

Dim objFSO, objWSH
Dim index
Dim m_log

index = 1

Set objWSH = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set m_log = objFSO.CreateTextFile("STS-Sites.Log")

TraverseFolder index, objWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(SourceFolder)

Function TraverseFolder (idx, SourceFolder)
Dim m_Folder, m_SubFolders
Dim m_Files, m_SubFolders2
Dim bApp

Set m_Folder = objFSO.GetFolder(SourceFolder)
Set m_SubFolders = m_Folder.SubFolders

If isFolderSTSApp(m_Folder) Then
bApp = True
m_log.WriteLine m_Folder.path
End If

For Each m_Files In m_Folder.Files
' If bApp And (cint(Year(m_Files.DateLastModified)) < cint(StaleDate)) Then
' m_log.WriteLine "*****Folder " + m_SubFolders2.Name + " is a STALE STS APP"
' End If
' m_Log.WriteLine m_Folder.path + "\" + + Chr(9) + cstr(m_Files.DateLastModified) + Chr(9) + cstr(m_Files.Size)
For Each m_SubFolders2 In m_SubFolders
' m_log.WriteLine SourceFolder + "\" + + Chr(9) + cstr(m_SubFolders2.DateLastModified)
Call TraverseFolder (idx+1, SourceFolder + "\" +

Set m_Folder = Nothing
Set m_SubFolders = Nothing
End Function

Function isFolderSTSApp(folder)
If objFSO.FolderExists(folder.path + "/_layouts") AND objFSO.FolderExists(folder.path + "/_private") Then
isFolderSTSApp = True
isFolderSTSApp = False
End If
End Function

Function isHomePageFile(filePath)
Dim ReadFile, thisTXT, ValueSearch

Set ReadFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(filePath, ForReading)
thisTXT = ReadFile.ReadAll
ValueSearch = InStr(1,thisTXT,SearchString,1)

If ValueSearch>=1 Then
isHomePageFile = True
isHomePageFile = False
end If

Set ReadFile = Nothing
End Function

Set m_Log = Nothing