The other day I had to setup a FIOS remote control with a Westinghouse LCD TV. I'm not sure if this is model dependent or not, but nevertheless, the two codes provided in the remote's manual did not work. There is a Westinghouse and a White Westinghouse category (both would not control the TV). After searching on the Internet with little success I called FIOS support. They walked me through a process which takes the remote through each TV code sequence until you find a code that works with the TV. I know this worked with my remote with the big "FIOS TV" button in the middle. I do believe there are two types of FIOS remotes, so your results may vary. Here was the process:
- Make sure your TV is on
- Hold 'TV' and 'OK' button for 3 seconds
- Press '922' to tell it to go into find sequence
- Press 'Play' button to begin find sequence
- Press 'Fwd' button to begin going through each TV code
- When the remote finds your TV, it will turn it off
- If you accidently go one code too far, press 'Rwd' button to go back
- Once you find your code, hit the 'OK' button to set the remote.
Hope this helps someone out there.